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Browsing through the Genoret Database

From Genoret Website main page you have access to allmost all browsing possibilities

especially the new Database Organisation Diagrams

 Tips : in the Genoret Website click on the small icons representing Word, PDF, Powerpoint, Excel, the InternetWorldSphere, ...
 to access directly to the content of the Datafile 
 (If you click on the blue text link you'll first get the description of the Datafile)

Actually we can define five major entry points for your browsing

  1. The People, Workpackages, Components and Centres
  2. The hierarchical tree of SOPs
  3. The hierarchical tree of Galleries
  4. Specific Query Tools providing various views obtained from the SQL Relational Database
  5. The access to some External Databases (located in Strasbourg or in foreign labs)

SOPs and Galleries contain Datafiles uploaded by EVI-Genoret members. These files can be downloaded.

SQL query tools will be more and more developped

Personal tools