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The Genoret Database is protected through a two levels login and password system.

  1. the Website
  2. the SQL relational database hosting your data
 For these two levels you can use the same login and password

Why two times the same login and password ?

We could imagine to ask only one time the password ...

... but the protection of the SQL relational database has to be very secure and we don't want it to be dependant of the less secure password system of the Apache website.

Sorry ! Security has a cost.

How to login

  • When you connect to the Genoret Database Website you'll be ask to enter your login and password.
  • Then you see the Genoret Database Welcome Page with the Menu.
    • Please start with the Login menu (the small icone with two keys).
      • Then navigate freely ... you won't be asked for login and password.
      • Except after a time out of at least two hours of non activ connection.
  • Please logout (using the Menu button) if you stop using the database.

Other Wesites with again login and password

Some External Databases are connected to the Genoret Database.

If you need to access directly these databases you migh be ask to give again a login and password.

As Genoret Member you are already registered in these databases but we cannot take the responsability to give you an automatic access without using the standard login and password protocol of these external databases.

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