Upload your Datafiles

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To upload a datafile :

1.Connect to the Website of Genoret  (with login and password)
2.Login (again) to the Genoret Database (with login and password)
3.Browse to the Web Page where you want to deposit your file
it can be a SOP or a Gallery
4.Click on the "Upload your Datafile" button
5.Normally  you get the Genoret Upload Form with your name and email.
6.Select a Visibility Group within all existing Visibility Groups
a.if you don't find your favorite Visibility Group please mail to mailto:Raymond.ripp@igbmc.u-strasbg.fr  (the creation process will be available as soon as possible.)
7.Browse for your file an your own computer (Browse or Parcourir or Suchen or ...)
8.Give a Title to your uploaded file This Title will be used in all our display lists
a.So, please, choose a meaningfull title explaining briefly the content of your file.
b.It may to be cut at 80 characters in some cases
9.Enter a Description for your uploaded file
a.Describe the content of your file and specify in which environment it has to be used (it can be used elsewhere)
b.Keep in mind that this description will be used in our search engine, so, please, add all meaningfull keywords you can imagine (at the end of your text if necessary)
10.Press the green Upload button
11.You will get a web page showing all information about your upload and You will receive a Upload Confirmation Email
12.Normally, if you went back to the "Web Page where you want(ed) to deposit your file", you should see the newly uploaded Datafile.(please "reload" the web page)
13.If something went wrong , maybe you want to
 a.modify the Visibility Group
 b.remove your Uploaded Datafile
 c.change the recipiand SOP or Gallery
 d.mail to Raymond Ripp or Guillaume Berthommier
14.Don't forget to keep safely your Upload Confirmation Email 

If you have many files to upload please send an email to explain what you want to do. We will find a solution (creating for example one description file and zipping the datafiles).

Thank you for uploading !

      Raymond Ripp
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