Software name | Keywords | Description | Web ressources | Logo | Publications |
Multiple Alignment, Data mining, Machine learning, UIMA, Knowledge based system |
AlexSys (Alignment Expert System) is a knowledge-based expert system for the construction and analysis of Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSA). The prototype uses a decision tree machine learning algorithm to automatically select a suitable MSA program for a given set of sequences. |
website |
PMID:18971242 PMID: 20530533 |
ARP, Actin related proteins, prediction |
ARPAnno (Actin Related Proteins Annotation server) is a web tool that automatically annotates protein sequences according to the ARP classification. |

In maintenance
PMID: 16195354 |
BBS, MSA, alignment, Bardet Biedl Syndrome |
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Bioinformatics resource. |
website |
PMID: 20177705 PMID: 16823392 PMID: 17160889 PMID: 16582908
Oligonucleotide design, probe design, microarray, DNA chips |
CADO4MI (Computer Assisted Design of Oligonucleotide 4 MIcroarray) is a program for automatic design of oligonucleotides, fully customizable and accessible through a graphical user interface. For an input set of sequences, it allows parameter optimization and can combine multiple designs in distinct sequence databases. |
website |
PMID: 17727702 |
Genomics, integrative software plateform |
Gscope is an integrated platform allowing the analysis of all kind of genomic data. It is written in Tcl/Tk and runs on all plateforms. It is specially designed to perform high throughput analysis. Gscope is mainly composed of tools necessary to create the basic data, analysis tools, visualisation interfaces. It allows also the creation and feeding of SQL relational databases and the quering and display of the available information through a web based interface (Wscope). |
Gscope server |
Structural Mutation, Phenotype, Disease |
KD4v (Comprehensible Knowledge Discovery System for Missense Variant) allows to characterize and predict the phenotypic effects (deleterious/neutral) of missense variants. The server provides a set of rules learned by Induction Logic Programming (ILP) on a set of missense variants described by conservation, physico-chemical, functional and 3D structure predicates. The rules are interpretable by non-expert humans and can be used to accurately predict the deleterious/neutral status of an unknown mutation. |
website |
PMID: 22641855 |
Protein family analysis, multiple sequence alignment, sequence annotation |
MACSIMS (Multiple Alignment of Complete Sequences Information Management System) is a multiple alignment-based information management system that combines the advantages of both knowledge-based and ab initio sequence analysis methods. Structural and functional information is mined automatically from the public databases. In the MACS, homologous regions are identified and the mined data is evaluated and propagated from known to unknown sequences with these reliable regions. MACSIMS provides a unique environment that facilitates knowledge extraction and the presentation of the most pertinent information to the biologist. |

In maintenance |
PMID: 16792820 |
Orthology, Inparalogy, Vizualisation |
OrthoInspector is a software system incorporating an original algorithm for the rapid detection of orthology and inparalogy relations between different species. IIn addition, several visualization tools have been developed to facilitate in-depth studies based on these predictions. It is made available as an independent software suite that can be downloaded and installed for local use. Command line querying facilitates the integration of the software in high throughput processing pipelines and a graphical interface provides easy, intuitive access to results for the non-expert. |
website |
PMID: 21219603
Protein family analysis, multiple sequence alignment, database search |
PipeAlign is an on-line protein family analysis tool providing both interactive and automatic workbench for the validation, integration and presentation of the biological insights resulting from the analysis. It integrates a 5 step process ranging from the search for sequence homologues in protein sequence and 3D structure databases to the definition of the hierarchical relationship between and within subfamilies. Each step relies upon the results from the previous ones until a validated multiple alignment integrating subfamilies information is produced. The Pipe can also be started from any point and intermediate results are easily consulted. |

In maintenance
PMID: 12824430 |
automatic report, statitical analysis, R, Bioconductor, microarray, TCA |
RReportGenerator provides a simple and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) allowing to run routine statistical analysis using R via predefined analysis scenarios in a local and independent manner. Of course, the large variety of additional libraries on CRAN and Bioconductor may be used with the analysis scenarios. The results (text, figures and tables) are automatically assembled into a report in pdf- (or dvi) format. This may be accompanied by an additional file(s) for exporting (specific) results to other applications (spread-sheet programs, web-browser etc). |

PMID: 18037684 |