Architecture of Gscope
Architecture of Gscope
To undestand how it is today we need a brief overview of the Historical Evolution or Evolutionary History of Gscope
Gscope from the begining
Odile Lecompte, Olivier Poch and Raymond Ripp had to annotate the genome of Pirococcus abyssi.
Starting with the DNA sequence of Pyrococcsu abyssi (1765120 bases) we determined the genes and tried to find the function of each protein.
For that we needed to have an interactive visualization tool allowing to show the sequences, blast outputs, multiple alignments and many other things.
Naming and general organisation
The Pabyssi gscope project handles nucleic and protein sequences. Each one is represented as a rectangular box on the GscopeBoard.
We called it a PAB (from Pyrococcus AByssi) (and were never able to find a more generic name ... it could be Box or SeqEntity or ???)
Each one had an id PAB0001, PAB0002, ... (Numerotation may not be consecutive)
The procedure ListeDesPABs returns the list of all this ids. We use very often :
foreach Nom [ListeDesPABs] { DoSomething $Nom }
Since Pabyssi I didn't change the name of this central procedure.
To give a name to each 'PAB' of a project we use a prefix (ex. PAB or BOX or EHomsa) and a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 digits number (ex. PAB2359 or EHoma12345)
Gscope File Organisation
Each Gscope project (we call it MyProject) is located in one directories tree. Starting at RepertoireDuGenome (normally /genomics/link/MyProject)
Suppose the prefix is MP and it concerns 2345 proteins ... from MP00001 to MP2345
In directory /genomics/link/MyProject you'll find the directories
- nuctfa containing the fasta file for each nucleic sequence (from MP0001 to MP2345)
- nucembl containing the embl format
- prottfa containing the fasta file for each proteic sequence (from MP0001 to MP2345)
- protembl containing the embl format
- blastp
- ballast
- msf
- msfleon
- macsimXml
- macsimcRsf
thes subdirectories are the default directories containing the default corresponding file type BUT we could imagine to create different blasts for different datsbases. In that case we could have
- blastpProtall
- blastpUniref
and to keep the default directory we use link
blastp -> blastpProtall
The most important thing is to have directories containin blastp blastn msf in their name ... this allows Gscope to know which kind of file it contains. (unfortunately we don't use file extension !!!)
Another important subdirectory is infos. It contains the most used information of each PAB. These information are proveided by ExtraitInfo
ExtraitInfo EHomsa00001 lists all available infod ExtraitInfo EHomsa00001 AC: return the AC field
beton and fiches
- the beton subdirectory contains thing which should never change
- typically the miniconfig file
- the fiches subdirectory contains things concerning the project itself
- bornesdespabs lists all PAB with their namme EHomsa00001 to EHomsa21006 and their position on the GscopeBoard
- lesgenomescomplets gives the list of the intersting complete genomes (mainly an empty list)