RReportGenerator on the Web

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Revision as of 14:33, 25 August 2010 by Ripp (talk | contribs)
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RReportGenerator is also available through a web interface.



The main tcl program rrg.tcl, written by Luc Moulinier, remains nearly unchanged. We replaced the call to 'main' withfollowing lines :

global env
if {! [info exists env(QUERY_STRING)] && $argv=={}} {
    package require Tk
} else {
    source "[file dirname [info script]]/rrg_web.tcl"
  • We should find a better way to test if it concerns http ...
  • If no web rrg.tcl requires the package Tk and runs normally
  • If launched by the web server, rrg.tcl sources the additional file rrg_web.tcl and sends a html page to the web browser.
  • Any action from the user through his web browser will rerun rrg.tcl, the arguments are always transfered within the web page and users queries, avoiding use of session variables.

Where are the files located?

The rrg.tcl has to be in a directory accessible by the web server.