proc Help {}

proc UniprotData args
	Old version ... use UniProt instead

proc UniProt {{Key ""} {Fields ""} {Racine ""}}
	UniProt -help       returns this message
	UniProt P12345      returns all lines concerning the AC P12345
	UniProt AATM_RABIT  returns all lines concerning the ID AATM_RABIT (= AC P12345)
	UniProt A,B,C       returns all lines concerning the A and C but not B if it does not exist
	 ... it searches first in Swissprot and then in Trembl if no result
	UniProt Key,Key,Key Field,Field,Field
	Key is a Id or an Access   or several separated with ,
	Fields can be QY, +AC, +DR, OS, SQ, SE, FT-
	  SQ means the line just before the sequence : SQ   SEQUENCE 430AA; etc.
	  SE returns the sequence
	  QY adds the Query as result
	  with + I add the name of the field
	  with - the separator becomes a space not a new line

proc UniProtSw {{Key ""} {Fields ""} {Racine ""}}
	use UniProSw instead of UniProt to restrict to SwissProt

proc UniProtTrembl {{Key ""} {Fields ""} {Racine ""}}
	use UniProtTrembl instead of UniProt to restrict to Trembl

proc RacineUniProt {Qui}

proc UniProtGetFields {Res {Fields ""} {Query ""}}

proc UniProtGet {Key Fields {RacineForce ""}}
	don't use this procedure ... use UniProt or UniProtSw or UniProtTrembl

proc InterProData args
	Old version ... use InterPro

proc InterproData args
	Old version ... use InterPro

proc InterPro {{IdOrAc ""} {Rep ""}}
	InterPro -help       returns this message
	InterPro P12345      returns all InterPro lines concerning the AC P12345
	InterPro AATM_RABIT  returns all InterPro lines concerning the ID AATM_RABIT (= AC P12345)
	InterPro A,B,C       returns all InterPro lines concerning the A and C but not B if it does not exist
	InterPro AATM_RABIT  returns all InterPro lines concerning the ID AATM_RABIT (= AC P12345)

proc InterProGet {{Access ""} {Rep ""}}
	don't use this procedure. Use InterPro

proc LesChampsInteressantsDuPdb {TextPDB Fields {Query ""}}

proc LesChampsInteressantsDuEMBL {TextEMBL Fields {Query ""}}

proc PdbData {{Key ""} {Fields ""} {OnTheWeb ""}}
	PdbData 2ek9
	PdbData 2ek9 TITLE
	PdbData 2ek9 HETATM
	PdbData 2ek9 SEQRES

proc AcId {{Qui ""} {Quoi ""} {JoinCar ""}}
	This UNIPROT table comes from UCSC
	 it gives AC and ID from AC or ID
	AcId -help             returns this message
	AcId P12345            returns AATM_RABIT
	AcId P12345 ID         returns AATM_RABIT
	AcId P12345 AC         returns P12345
	AcId P12345 AC,ID      returns P12345 AATM_RABIT
	AcId AATM_RABIT        returns P12345
	AcId AATM_RABIT AC     returns P12345
	AcId A,B,C,D           returns AcOfA IdOfA AcOfB IdOfB AcOfD IdOfD (if A B D exist and not C)
	if nothing is found it returns an empty string

proc MiseAJourAcGnEtGnAc {Rep}

proc AcGn {{Qui ""} {Rep ""}}
	This UNIPROT table comes from UCSC
	 it gives GN from AC (see below for opposite)
	AcGn -help             returns this message
	AcGn Q5ZLQ6            returns YWHAB RCJMB04_5D11
	AcGn A,B,C             returns following two lines (if A ad C exist and B doesn't exist)
	                               A GenenamesOfA
	                               C GenenamesOfC 
	if nothing is found it returns an empty string

proc GnAc {{Qui ""} {JoinCar ""} {Rep ""}}
	This UNIPROT table comes from UCSC
	 it gives AC from GN (see above for opposite)
	GnAc -help             returns this message
	GnAc Q5ZLQ6            returns YWHAB RCJMB04_5D11
	GnAc A,B,C             returns A GenenamesOfA
	                               C GenenamesOfC (if A C exist and not B)
	if nothing is found it returns an empty string

proc AcTax {{Qui ""} {JoinCar ""}}
	This UNIPROT table comes from UCSC
	 it gives Tax from AC and all AC from Tax
	AcTax -help             returns this message
	AcTax P12345            returns 9606
	AcTax 9606              returns all accession number of Homo sapiens
	AcTax A,B,C,D           returns A TaxOfA B TaxOfB D TaxOfD (if the access A B D exist and not C)
	if nothing is found it returns an empty string

proc BestJoinCar {JoinCar}
	the JoinCar can be b blank (default), c comma(,), s semicolon(;), n newline, t tab, p point(.) or any other caracter

You can run any of these proc... for example 
qgq UniProt P12345