(Category) :
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You should first consult the reference documentation (here our local copy) of SPL written by its creators.
Our implementation includes a extended set of characters and terms of which you can find the complete lists below.


Authorized characters (in alphabetical order):

Aaron, Abhorson, Abraham, Achilles, Adam, Adonis, Adrian, Adriana, Aedile, Aegeon, Aemilia, Aemilius, Aeneas, Agamemnon, Agrippa, Ajax, Alcibiades, Alexander, Alexander Iden, Alexas, Alice, Alonso, Amiens, Andromache, Angelo, Angus, Anne Bullen, Anne Page, Another, Antigonus, Antiochus, Antipholus of Ephesus, Antipholus of Syracuse, Antonio, Antony, Apemantus, Archbishop Cranmer, Archbishop Scroop, Archidamus, Ariel, Artemidorus, Arthur, Arviragus, Attendant, Audrey, Autolycus, Bagot, Balthasar, Balthazar, Banditti, Banquo, Baptista Minola, Bardolph, Barnardine, Bassanio, Basset, Bassianus, Bates, Bawd, Beadle, Beatrice, Belarius, Benedick, Benvolio, Bernardo, Bertram, Bianca, Biondello, Biron, Bishop Lincoln, Bishop of Carlisle, Bishop of Ely, Blanch, Blunt, Bolingbroke, Bona, Borachio, Both, Both Citizens, Both Tribunes, Bottom, Boult, Boy, Boyet, Brabantio, Brandon, Brutus, Bushy, Caithness, Caius Lucius, Calchas, Caliban, Calpurnia, Camillo, Canidius, Caphis, Captain, Capucius, Capulet, Cardinal Bourchier, Cardinal Campeius, Cardinal Pandulph, Cardinal Wolsey, Carrier, Casca, Cassandra, Cassio, Cassius, Celia, Ceres, Cerimon, Chamberlain, Charles, Charmian, Chatillon, Children, Chiron, Chorus, Christopher Sly, Christopher Urswick, Cicero, Cinna, Cinna the Poet, Citizen, Claudio, Claudius, Cleomenes, Cleon, Cleopatra, Clitus, Cloten, Cobweb, Cominius, Conrade, Constable of France, Constance, Cordelia, Corin, Coriolanus, Cornelius, Costard, Countess, Countess of Auvergne, Courtezan, Cressida, Crier, Cromwell, Cupid, Curan, Curio, Curtis, Cymbeline, Dancer, Dardanius, Daughter of Antiochus, Davy, Decius Brutus, Deiphobus, Demetrius, Dennis, Dercetas, Desdemona, Diana, Dick the Butcher, Diomedes, Dion, Dionyza, Doctor, Doctor Butts, Doctor Caius, Dogberry, Dolabella, Doll Tearsheet, Domitius Enobarus, Don Adriano de Armado, Donalbain, Don John, Don Pedro, Dorcas, Dromio of Ephesus, Dromio of Syracuse, Dull, Dumain, Duncan, Edgar, Edmond, Edmund, Edmund Mortimer, Edmund of Langley, Edward Poins, Egeus, Eglamour, Egyptian, Elbow, Eleanor, Emilia, English Herald, Eros, Escalus, Escanes, Essex, Euphronius, Fabian, Fairy, Falstaff, Fang, Father John Hume, Faulconbridge, Fenton, Ferdinand, Feste, First Witch, Flaminius, Flavius, Fleance, Florizel, Fluellen, Flute, Fool, Ford, Forester, Fortinbras, Francis, Francisca, Francisco, Francis Feeble, Frederick, French Herald, Frenchman, French Soldier, Friar Francis, Friar John, Friar Laurence, Friar Peter, Friar Thomas, Froth, Gadshill, Gallus, Gaoler, Gardener, Gardiner, Garter, General, Gentleman, Gentlewoman, George Bevis, George Plantagenet, Gertrude, Girl, Glendower, Goneril, Gonzalo, Gower, Grandpre, Gratiano, Green, Gregory, Gremio, Griffith, Groom, Grumio, Guard, Guiderius, Guildenstern, Haberdasher, Hamlet, Harcourt, Hecate, Hector, Helen, Helena, Helenus, Helicanus, Henry IV, Henry Percy, Henry V, Henry VI, Henry VIII, Herald, Hermia, Hermione, Hippolyta, Holofernes, Horatio, Hortensio, Hortensius, Host, Hostess, Hostess Quickly, Hotspur, Hubert de Burgh, Huntsman, Hymen, Iachimo, Iago, Imogen, Iras, Iris, Isabella, Jack Cade, James Gurney, Jamy, Jaquenetta, Jaques, Jessica, Jeweller, Joan la Pucelle, John Holland, John Morton, John of Gaunt, John of Lancaster, John Talbot, Joseph, Julia, Juliet, Julius Caesar, Junius Brutus, Juno, Jupiter, Justice, Katharine, Katherina, Keeper, King Edward IV, King Henry, King John, King Lear, King Lewis XI, King of France, King Phillip, King Richard, King Richard II, Knight, Lady, Lady Anne, Lady Capulet, Lady Faulconbridge, Lady Macbeth, Lady Macduff, Lady Montague, Lady Northumberland, Lady Percy, Laertes, Lafeu, Launce, Launcelot Gobbo, Lavinia, Lawyer, Le Beau, Legate, Lennox, Leonardo, Leonato, Leonine, Leontes, Lepidus, Lewis, Lewis the Dauphin, Lieutenant, Ligarius, Lodovico, Longaville, Lord Abergavenny, Lord Bardolph, Lord Berkeley, Lord Bigot, Lord Chamberlain, Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice, Lord Clifford, Lord (Earl) Rivers, Lord Fitzwater, Lord Grey, Lord Hastings, Lord Lovel, Lord Marshal, Lord Mayor of London, Lord Mowbray, Lord Ross, Lords, Lord Sands, Lord Say, Lord Scales, Lord Scroop, Lord Talbot/, Lord Willoughby, Lorenzo, Luce, Lucentio, Lucetta, Luciana, Lucilius, Lucio, Lucius, Lucullus, Lychorida, Lymoges, Lysander, Lysimachus, Macbeth, Macduff, Macmorris, Malcolm, Malvolio, Mamillius, Man, Marcellus, Marcus Andronicus, Mardian, Margarelon, Margaret, Margaret Jourdain, Maria, Mariana, Marina, Mariner, Mariners, Mark Antony, Marshal, Martius, Marullus, Master, Master-Gunner, Mayor of Saint Alban's, Mayor of York, Mecaenas, Melun, Menas, Menecrates, Menelaus, Menenius Agrippa, Menteith, Mercade, Merchant, Mercutio, Messala, Messenger, Metellus Cimber, Michael, Miranda, Mistress Ford, Mistress Overdone, Mistress Page, Montague, Montano, Montjoy, Mopsa, Mortimer, Morton, Moth, Mustardseed, Mutius, Myrmidons, Nathaniel, Nerissa, Nestor, Nicholas, Nobleman, Norwegian Captain, Nurse, Nym, Oberon, Octavia, Octavius, Officer, Oliver, Olivia, Ophelia, Orlando, Orsino, Osric, Ostler, Oswald, Othello, Outlaws, Page, Painter, Pandar, Pandarus, Panthino, Paris, Parolles, Patience, Patrician, Patroclus, Paulina, Peaseblossom, Pedant, Pembroke, Perdita, Pericles, Peter, Peter Bullcalf, Peter of Pomfret, Peto, Petruchio, Phebe, Philario, Philemon, Philip, Philip the Bastard, Philo, Philostrate, Philotus, Phrynia, Pinch, Pindarus, Pisanio, Pistol, Player, Player King, Player Queen, Players, Poet, Polixenes, Polonius, Pompeius, Pompey, Popilius, Porter, Portia, Post, Posthumus Leonatus, Priam, Priest, Prince Edward, Prince Escalus, Prince Henry, Prince Humphrey, Prince John, Prince of Arragon, Prince of Morocco, Princes, Princess of France, Prince Thomas, Proculeius, Prospero, Proteus, Provost, Publius, Puck, Pursuivant, Queen, Queen Elinor, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Isabel, Queen Katharine, Queen Margaret, Quince, Quintus, Ralph Mouldy, Rambures, Regan, Reignier, Reynaldo, Richard III , Richard Plantagenet, Richard Plantagenet the Younger, Richmond, Robin, Roderigo, Roman Captain, Romeo, Rosalind, Rosaline, Rosencrantz, Ross, Rugby, Rumour, Sailor, Salanio, Salarino, Salerio, Salisbury, Sampson, Saturninus, Scarus, Scout, Scribe, Scrivener, Sebastian, Seleucus, Sempronius, Senator, Sentinels, Sergeant, Servant, Servants, Servilius, Sexton, Seyton, Shakespeare, Shallow, Shepherd, Sheriff, Shylock, Sicilius Leonatus, Sicinius Velutus, Silence, Silius, Silvia, Silvius, Simonides, Simon Shadow, Simpcox, Simpcox's Wife, Simple, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Sir Anthony Denny, Sir Henry Guildford, Sir Hugh Evans, Sir Humphrey Stafford, Sir James Tyrrel, Sir John Colville, Sir John Fastolfe, Sir John Mortimer, Sir John Stanley, Sir Michael, Sir Nathaniel, Sir Nicholas Vaux, Sir Oliver Martext, Sir Pierce of Exton, Sir Richard Ratcliff, Sir Robert Brakenbury, Sir Stephen Scroop, Sir Thomas Erpingham, Sir Thomas Gargrave, Sir Thomas Grey, Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Thomas Vaughan, Sir Toby Belch, Sir Walter Herbert, Sir William Catesby, Sir William Glansdale, Sir William Lucy, Sir William Stanley, Siward, Sixth Citizen, Slender, Smith the Weaver, Snare, Snout, Snug, Soldier, Soldiers, Solinus, Soothsayer, Speed, Spirit, Starveling, Stephano, Steward, Strato, Surveyor, Tailor, Tamora, Taurus, Thaisa, Thaliard, The Abbot of Westminster, The Ambassador, The Apothecary, The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Bastard of Orleans, The Boatswain, The Clerk, The Clerk of Chatham, The Clown, The Duchess of Gloucester, The Duchess of York, The Duke of Albany, The Duke of Alencon, The Duke of Aumerle, The Duke of Bedford, The Duke of Bourbon, The Duke of Buckingham, The Duke of Burgundy, The Duke of Clarence, The Duke of Cornwall, The Duke of Exeter, The Duke of Florence, The Duke of Gloucester, The Duke of Milan, The Duke of Norfolk, The Duke of Orleans, The Duke of Somerset, The Duke of Suffolk, The Duke of Surrey, The Duke of Venice, The Duke of York, The Earl of Cambridge, The Earl of Douglas, The Earl of Gloucester, The Earl of Kent, The Earl of Northumberland, The Earl of Salisbury, The Earl of Shrewsbury, The Earl of Suffolk, The Earl of Surrey, The Earl of Warwick, The Earl of Westmoreland, The Earl of Worcester, The Earl Oxford, The Ghost, The Governor of Harfleur, The Marquess of Montague, The Marquis of Dorset, The Old Athenian, The Old Gobbo, The Old Lady, The Old Man, The Old Shepherd, Thersites, Theseus, The Sheriff of Wiltshire, Thieves, Thomas Horner, Thomas Mowbray, Thomas Rotherham, Thomas Wart, Thurio, Thyreus, Timandra, Time, Timon, Tintinius, Titania, Titus, Titus Andronicus, Titus Lartius, Touchstone, Townsman, Tranio, Travellers, Travers, Trebonius, Tribunes, Trinculo, Troilus, Tubal, Tullus Aufidius, Tutor of Rutland, Tybalt, Tyrian Sailor, Ulysses, Ursula, Valentine, Valeria, Varrius, Varro, Vaux, Ventidius, Venus, Verges, Vernon, Vincentio, Vintner, Viola, Virgilia, Volsce, Voltemand, Volumnia, Volumnius, Walter Whitmore, Watch, Watchman, Widow, William, William Page, Williams, William Stafford, Winchester, Woodvile, Young Cato, Young Clifford, Young Coriolanus, Young Lucius, Young Siward.

Positive and neutral nouns:

angel, flower, girl, happiness, Heaven, hero, joy, King, kingdom, kitten, lady, Lord, plum, pony, prince, rose, summer's day, temple.

animal, aunt, brother, cat, chihuahua, cousin, cow, daughter, door, face, father, fellow, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, hair, hamster, horse, infant, lamp, lantern, mistletoe, moon, morning, mother, nephew, niece, nose, purse, road, roman, sister, sky, son, squirrel, stone wall, thing, town, tree, uncle, varlet, wind.

Negative nouns:

apple-john, backfriend, bastard, beggar, blister, codpiece, coward, curse, cutpurse, death, devil, devil-monk, draught, famine, flirt-gill, fool, fustilarian, goat, hate, Hell, hog, hound, knave, leech, lie, maggot-pie, Microsoft, pig, plague, popinjay, pumpion, rampallian, rascal, ruffian, scullion, starvation, strumpet, tardy-gaited, toad, villain, war, wolf.

Positive and neutral adjectives:

amazing, beautiful, blossoming, bold, brave, charming, clearest, cunning, cute, delicious, embroidered, fair, fine, gentle, golden, good, handsome, happy, healthy, honest, lovely, loving, mighty, noble, peaceful, pretty, prompt, proud, reddest, rich, smooth, sunny, sweet, sweetest, trustworthy, warm.

big, black, blue, bluest, bottomless, furry, green, hard, huge, large, little, normal, old, purple, red, rural, small, tiny, white, yellow.

Negative adjectives:

artless, bad, bawdy, brazen, clay-brained, cowardly, currish, cursed, damned, dirty, disgusting, dissembling, distasteful, dried, dusty, evil, fat, fatherless, fat-kidneyed, fishified, fool-born, foul, gorbellied, guts-griping, hairy, half-witted, horrible, horrid, impudent, incontinent, infected, knotty-pated, lying, mangled, milk-livered, miserable, misused, oozing, paunchy, poisonous, pot-bellied, roguish, rotten, ruttish, saucy, scurvy, smelly, snotty, sorry, spongy, stinking, stuffed, stupid, vile, villainous, weedy, whoreson, wicked, worried.

Positive comparatives:

better, bigger, fairer, fresher, friendlier, jollier, nicer.

Negative comparatives:

baser, punier, smaller, worse.

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