BiGEst-ICube Databases

Status :

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Database IDDescriptionUpdatedSize
GOAGO annotations for UniProt1970/01/010
GeneOntologysource file for GO1970/01/010
IDMappingUniProt ID Mapping2021/09/2421531395195
InterProInterPro database2021/06/1816098946777
UniProt-swUniProt Swiss-Prot database1970/01/01622376647
UniProt-tremblUniProt trembl database1970/01/01144947000000
blast-nrNCBI Non-Redundant proteins2021/09/21117551998936
blast-pdbPDB Blast file2021/09/2136881343
blast-swSwiss-Prot proteins2021/06/3090275536
blast-tremblTranslated EMBL proteins2021/06/2052793671282
blast-uniref50UniRef 502021/09/229860615201
taxonomyUniProt taxonomy2021/06/0242150277
Status of BiGEst-ICube databases updates.

Details and Downloads :

The non-redundant protein database from the NCBI. You can download :

This database contains the sequencee of all chains of proteins contained in the PDB. You can download :

The translated EMBL fasta file as distributed by UniProt. You can download :

The Swiss-Prot database as distributed by UniProt. You can download :

ID Mapping
UniProt provides a mapping between more than 100 databases (see List of mapped datbases) from/to UniProt UniProt proteins accession. You can download :

InterPro annotations for the UniProt proteins as distributed by UniProt.

The taxonomy is directly taken from UniProt. You can download the tabulated file ready to copy into a dtatabase.