Lectures on Flag Algebras
Jan Volec, 21 February — 06 March 2014
These lectures were made possible thanks to the financial support of the LORIA and the ANR project HEREDIA.

21/02Induced densities, Mantel's theorem via densities, construction of algebras.14h—17h30 B013
24/02Ensemble of random homomorphisms, averaging operator, Exercises: Goodman's bound, Seidel-minimal graphs.14h—17h30 B013
27/02Bilinear quadratic form, setting-up the SDP program, reducing the search space: independent sets vs triangles example.14h—17h30 B011
03/03From limit statements to finite cases (Mantel's theorem), rounding computer outputs and using extremal examples, blow-ups and Goodman's bound14h—17h30 B013
06/03On a conjecture by Erdős and Sós14h—15h30 B011
06/03J.-S. Sereni: Elaborations on Seidel-minimal graphs: the hypergraph case16h—17h30 B011