From Wiki
RetGene is a Gscope project about the most important genes whose mutations are directly involved in retinal diseases
- RG0001 AIPL1
- RG0002 CRB1
- RG0003 CRX
- RG0004 GUCY2D
- RG0005 RDH12
- RG0006 RPE65
- RG0007 RPGRIP1
- RG0008 TULP1
most of them are responsible for LCA.
Other genes are referenced by Christian Hamel's patient database.
- RG0010 CHM
- RG0011 MYO7A
- RG0012 OA1
- RG0013 OPA1
- RG0014 RDS
- RG0015 USH2A
- RG0016 USH3A
- RG0017 XLRS1
- RG0018 RHO
Actually we have to do a lot of work to normalize all notation. We hope to be able to create a reference database