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The European Tcl/Tk User Meetings 2008 and 2009 see were held in IGBMC, Illkirch Strasbourg, France June 6-7 2008 and June 2009.

 see you again in June 4th and 5th 2010 at IGBMC !

Presentation from Raymond Ripp

Research in Biology is no more possible without intensive use of computers and databases.

In our Laboratory of Integrative BioInformatic and Genomics (LBGI), we developped tools in Tcl/Tk allowing the analysis and management of a huge amount of heterogeneous data. This data is produced locally or by numerous worldwide bioinformatic centers. It covers various types of data such as biological sequences, from single protein or mRNA to whole genomes (3.4 GigaBases for the human genome), together with their complex features, as well as sets of experimental results or data treaments like transcriptomics data, comparison searches, multiples alignments, image processing, etc. The different types of data are stored in flat files, html pages or more or less well structured databases. Altogether this required the development of high throughput data retrieval, analysis procedures and data mining tools coupled to graphical interfaces and displays, and to specific databases and websites.

After a brief description of this context, we will present our Tcl/Tk developments made since 10 years by around 15 people, including biologists and students with very often minor background in programming languages. Tcl is easy to learn and allows quick progress.