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Fed : Federating data

What is Fed

Fed consits of

  • a PostgreSQL Relational Database
  • a PHP base website using Html and Javascript

It allows to manage

  • people
  • worpackages
  • components
  • centres


  • a Gallery of documents

The Gallery is organized as a hierachical tree of Galleries, each Gallery contains Datafiles and other Galleries.

The people can upload their Datafiles in a Gallery.

This data are then processed to be integration in the Relational Database.

Several Feds can be federated

One interesting point is that several 'independant' Fed can be federated.

  • only the people are known everywhere
  • groups of people are defined independently in each Fed.

This can be easily done if the creation of new users is centralized on the unique FedLord. The information concerning the new user is then transferred to the local Fed especially the Pk which has to be the unique Id of the user.