As of now, I try and submit papers only to journals that are free or
published by a public institution or a non for-profit society (such as the EMS).
Exceptions for domains where, unfortunately, there seems to be no scientifically relevant alternative to commercial publishers
(please, do not hesitate to let me know of any possible alternative for such (not too old) exception below).
An algorithmic framework for colouring locally sparse graphs(PDF — Archive ouverte — BibTeX)
Theory of Computing, à paraître.
Genome galaxy identified by the circular code theory(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 87:5, 2025.
The number of spanning trees in 4-regular simple graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 31(4):#P4.50, 16 pp., 2024.
Diletter and triletter comma-free codes over finite alphabets(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 82(2):233--270, 2023.
On the effect of symmetry requirement for rendezvous on the complete graph(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Mathematics of Operations Research, 48(2):942--953, 2023.
Reading frame retrieval of genes: a new parameter of codon usage based on the circular code theory(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85:24, 2023.
The minimum number of spanning trees in regular multigraphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29(4):#P4.29, 36 pp., 2022.
Trinucleotide k-circular codes II: Biology(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
BioSystems 217:104668, 2022.
Trinucleotide k-circular codes I: Theory(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
BioSystems 217:104667, 2022.
Bipartite independence number in graphs with bounded maximum degree(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 35(2):1136--1148, 2021.
Fractional chromatic number, maximum degree and girth(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 35(4):2815--2843, 2021.
On fractional fragility rates of graph classes(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(4):#P4.9, 27 pp., 2020.
The relation between k-circularity and circularity of codes(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 82:105, 2020.
Eccentricity of Networks with Structural Constraints(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 40:1141--1162, 2020.
Revisiting a theorem by Folkman on graph colouring(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(1):#P1.56, 11 pp., 2020.
Variations on the Petersen colouring conjecture(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(1):#P1.8, 14 pp., 2020.
A 4-choosable graph that is not (8:2)-choosable(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Advances in Combinatorics, 2019:5.
Isomorphism of Weighted Trees and Stanley's Isomorphism Conjecture for Caterpillars(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D 6(3):357--384, 2019.
Mixed Circular Codes(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Mathematical Biosciences 317:108231, 2019.
On generalized choice and coloring numbers(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26(1):#P1.51, 14pp., 2019.
Expander graphs and sieving in combinatorial structures(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 105(1):79--102, 2018.
Extension from precoloured sets of edges(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(3):#P3.1, 28pp., 2018.
Do triangle-free planar graphs have an exponential number of 3-colorings?(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 24(3):#P3.47, 27pp., 2017.
Equitable Colorings of K_4-minor-free Graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 21(6):1091--1105, 2017.
A note on acyclic vertex-colorings(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Combinatorics, 7(4):725--737, 2016.
Closeness centralization measure for two-mode data of prescribed sizes(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Network Science, 4(4): 474--490, 2016.
Fractional coloring of triangle-free planar graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(4):#P4.11, 7pp., 2015.
Two-floor building needing eight colors(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 19:1--9, 2015.
Extensions of fractional precolorings show discontinuous behavior(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Graph Theory, 77:299--329, 2014.
Subcubic triangle-free graphs have fractional chromatic number at most 14/5(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 89(3):641--662, 2014.
Supersaturation in the Boolean lattice(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Integers, 14A:A4 (The Dick deBruijn Memorial Issue), 2014.
Transversals of longest paths and cycles(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 28(1):335--341, 2014.
A new bound for the 2/3 conjecture(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 22(3):384--393, 2013.
A tight bound on the set chromatic number(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 33(2):461--465, 2013.
Multiple Petersen subdivisions in permutation graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 20:#P11, 9pp., 2013.
Toward more Localized Local Algorithms: Removing Assumptions concerning Global Knowledge(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Distributed Computing, 26(5-6):289--308, 2013.
A new lower bound based on Gromov’s method of selecting heavily covered points(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 48(2):487--498, 2012.
Griggs and Yeh's Conjecture and L(p,1)-labelings(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 26(1):145--168, 2012.
Min-max relations for odd cycles in planar graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 26(3):884--895, 2012.
Characterization of graphs and digraphs with small process number(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159(11):1094--1109, 2011.
Edge-face colouring of plane graphs with maximum degree nine(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Graph Theory, 66(4):332--346, 2011.
Every plane graph of maximum degree 8 has an edge-face 9-colouring(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 25(2):514--533, 2011.
Graphs with four boundary vertices(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18:#P11, 18pp., 2011.
The Fractional Chromatic Number of Zykov Products of Graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Applied Mathematics Letters, 24(4):432--437, 2011.
A note on antisymmetric flows in graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
European Journal of Combinatorics, 31(1):320--324, 2010.
Characterisation results for Steiner triple systems and their application to edge-colourings of cubic graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 62(2):355--381, 2010.
Circular edge-colorings of cubic graphs with girth six(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 100(4):351--358, 2010.
Equitable coloring of sparse planar graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 24(4):1572--1583, 2010. Prefer the PDF link (arXiv/HAL version): in the published version, while trying to comply with a referee's request we unfortunately extracted an argument in the proof of Lemma 3.2 and created an incorrect statement, namely Lemma 3.1. The argument was used only in the proof of Lemma 3.2, in a correct way: the latest arXiv/HAL version reintegrates this argument in the right context of Lemma 3.2 (keeping the numbering in line with the published version).
Facial colorings using Hall's Theorem(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
European Journal of Combinatorics, 31(3):1001--1019, 2010.
Graphs with bounded tree-width and large odd-girth are almost bipartite(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 100(6):554--559, 2010.
On the sextet polynomial of fullerenes(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 47(3):1121--1128, 2010.
The last fraction of a fractional conjecture(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 24(2):699--707, 2010.
Two proofs of the Bermond-Thomassen conjecture for tournaments with bounded minimum in-degree(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Discrete Mathematics, 310(3):557--560, 2010. (Special Issue devoted to the Sixth Czech-Slovak International Symposium on CGTAA, 2006.)
About a Brooks-type theorem for improper colouring(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 43:219--230, 2009.
A new lower bound on the number of perfect matchings in cubic graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 23(3):1465--1483, 2009.
A step toward the Bermond-Thomassen conjecture about disjoint cycles in digraphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 23(2):979--992, 2009.
Circular Choosability(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Graph Theory, 61(4):241--270, 2009.
Fullerene graphs have exponentially many perfect matchings(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 46(2):443--447, 2009.
Identifying and locating-dominating codes in (random) geometric networks(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 18(6):925--952, 2009.
Improper colouring of unit disk graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Networks, 54(3):150--164, 2009.
Long cycles in fullerene graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 45(4):1021--1031, 2009.
Projective, affine, and abelian colourings of cubic graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
European Journal of Combinatorics, 30(1):53--69, 2009.
3-facial colouring of plane graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 22(1):231--247, 2008.
Graphs with full rank 3-color matrix and few 3-colorings(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 98(5):1115--1116, 2008.
Improper colouring of (random) unit disk graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Discrete Mathematics, 308(8):1438--1454, 2008. (Special issue devoted to EuroComb 2005.)
List colorings with measurable sets(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Graph Theory, 59(3):229--238, 2008.
Lower bounding the boundary of a graph in terms of its maximum or minimum degree(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Discrete Mathematics, 308(24):6581--6583, 2008.
Randomly colouring graphs (a combinatorial view)(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Computer Science Review, 2(2):63--95, 2008.
Total colouring of plane graphs with maximum degree nine(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 22(4):1462--1479, 2008.
Orders with ten elements are circle orders(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 7:16--22, 2007.
Pathwidth of outerplanar graphs(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Graph Theory, 55(1):27--41, 2007.
Improper choosability of graphs and maximum average degree(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Journal of Graph Theory, 52(3):181--199, 2006.
New progress in enumeration of mixed models(PDF — Journal — BibTeX)
Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 5:60--65, 2005.