Official distribution:
The source code of the AnnotSV annotation engine is freely available under the GNU GPL licence.The AnnotSV source code is downloadable on GitHub.
Annotations are downloaded during the installation with the Makefile.
Last official version: AnnotSV 3.4.2 (May, 2024)
Documentation: README.AnnotSV_latest.pdf
Compatibility: variantconvert 2.0.1, knotAnnotSV v1.1.5, vcf2circos v1.2.0 and PhenoGenius 1.0.0
Distribution from collaborators:
Bioconda, docker and singularity:Thanks to @nvnieuwk:
- AnnotSV has been added to bioconda.
- A docker image is available here.
- A singularity image is available here.
Bioconda install
1 - AnnotSV can be installed via conda using this command:
conda install -c bioconda annotsv
2 - To work with bioconda, AnnotSV couldn't contain the annotations in the recipe (that would make the recipe very large, which is a bad practice in bioconda).
Users need to download the annotation files once and pass the directory to AnnotSV at runtime with the "-annotationsDir" option.
To download AnnotSV human annotations in a local directory, run the following commands:
cd /path/to/install/annotsv/annotations
This creates a directory called AnnotSV_annotations in the current working directory.
3 - Then, run AnnotSV using the following command:
AnnotSV -annotationsDir AnnotSV_annotations ... (where ... stands for your other parameters)